Working out with a friend

Getting and staying motivated

It can be assumed that we all lead pretty busy lives and don’t always make time to take care of our bodies. While some of us are IG fitness models with 8 packs, others feel excluded and isolated from the fitness community. Getting in a good sweat can feel daunting; so why do it alone? We are living in an era of group fitness classes, from Ballet Barre to Spin to Row to Pilates. Regardless of your preferred way to burn, there is value in teaming up.

Working out with a partner

When we think of getting sweaty with our friends we may imagine dancing all night long with a cocktail in hand. Swapping out a DJ and dance floor for a set of AirPods and one of your mates can be just as much fun. There are other ways to get a cardio workout and at the same time bond with a friend. Studies have shown that our bodies release a greater number of endorphins when exercising with a buddy.

Teaming up

Making exercise a team effort is excellent for goal setting. Trying an unfamiliar fitness class becomes less frightening when we bring someone along. We are more likely to try something new the more confident we feel; a good partner can help boost our confidence. We will be far less likely to cancel a session knowing that we are meeting someone there. Having a friend call us at an ungodly hour will force us to be accountable. We should take the opportunity to share our goals with our partners. This can help us to evaluate whether or not the goals we are setting are realistic. It can be a great source of support, as weight loss and fitness can be overwhelming and frankly scary.

We should start by working out with a partner who doesn’t judge us and engages us in some gentle competition.

How will it work out?

So far we’ve discussed the social impact of bringing a friend along on our fitness journey; now let’s take a look at the cold (sweaty) hard facts. A study conducted by the American Psychology Association has shown that 95% of those who exercised with a partner stuck to their routine and 66% maintained their weight loss in full. The group that was recruited alone only saw 76% of participants finish treatment and only 24% maintain their weight loss in full.

Having someone else in the ring with us can also improve the quality of our workout. We can improve the form and diversify our workout by comparing techniques with a partner. We can help each other stick to routines and maintain momentum for greater efficiency; AKA fewer gym selfies and more deadlifts.

If we are still having trouble staying on task, we could consider hiring a PT. Personal Training can be expensive and inaccessible for a lot of people. Bringing a friend- or two- along will help us cut costs while providing us with personalized attention from a trained professional.

We should find someone that we trust, someone that shares our goals and struggles.

Sticking to a routine and calling on our partner when our commitment starts to wane will serve us well. We should, in turn, support them and help motivate them to achieve their goals. Most importantly, we have to remember to have fun!